Tilt Sensor Vibration Alarm Vibration Switch Module for Arduino

79.06 Inc. GST

3 in stock

SKU: M22B09C10 Category:


The Tilt Sensor Vibration Alarm Vibration Switch Module for Arduino come with the basic components for operation. Supplying power and it is good to be used. Attach it to object and it will detect whether the object is tilt. Simple usage as it is the digital output, so you will know the object is tilt or not by reading the output.

It uses SW-460D or SW-520D tilt sensor. The Tilt Sensor is the ball rolling type, NOT Mercury type.

Comes with an M3 mounting hole for ease of attaching it to an object. On board, it provides a tilt switch, high sensitivity and commonly being used for tilt detection. The module comes with power LED and status LED for the visual indicator.

The module will output logic LOW when the module is not tilted until the threshold angle; it will output logic HIGH when it is tilted over the threshold angle. We have tested, the tilt angle is quite big, from 45 degrees to 130 degrees. However, it depends on the angular velocity too. It can be used as a vibration sensor too.

It can be interfaced with any microcontroller with digital input such as 8051, PIC, SK40C, SK28A,SKds40A,

Pin Connection:
  1. VCC = 5V
  2. GND = 0V.
  3. DO = digital output from module
Note: If the DO is not working, you might need to turn the on-board potentiometer to center.


Features :

  1. Ball Rolling type of tilt sensor.
  2. This small module is easy to use.
  3. Afixed bolt hole for easy installation
  4. Wide voltage LM393 comparator


Package Includes :

1 x Tilt Sensor Vibration Alarm Vibration Switch Module.


Specifications :-

Operating Voltage (VDC)3.3 ~ 5
Length (mm)30
Width (mm)14
Height (mm)6
Weight (gm)3

Additional information

Weight3 g
Dimensions54 × 15 × 5 mm


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